So, what crypto legislation (if any) is necessary?

Paul_Koning/US/3Com%3COM at Paul_Koning/US/3Com%3COM at
Fri Mar 29 16:58:32 PST 1996

unicorn @ (Black Unicorn) wrote:
>On Tue, 26 Mar 1996, Duncan Frissell wrote:
>> In fact, I suppose that government operation of the identification system
>> (drivers' licenses, passports, etc.) in general is also horribly inefficient
>> and should be attacked on efficiency grounds.
>You might not like what you get in response.  Streamlined and uniform 
>identity documents generated at birth and renewed with tax filings would 
>be the likeliest efficiency improvement.  An inefficient government 
>identification system is to the advantage of the privacy seeker.

Indeed.  A wise man once said "Thank goodness we don't get
all the government we pay for".  Government inefficiency is our
friend (except at tax time) -- don't wish for it to get more efficient unless
it gets a lot smaller FIRST.

! Paul Koning, NI1D, C-24183
! 3Com Corporation, 1-3A, 118 Turnpike Road, Southborough MA 01772 USA
! phone: +1 508 229 1695, fax: +1 508 490 5873
! email: paul_koning at  or  paul_koning at
! Pgp:   27 81 A9 73 A6 0B B3 BE 18 A3 BF DD 1A 59 51 75
! "The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over 
!  any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent
!  harm to others.  His own good, either physical or moral, is not
!  a sufficient warrant."    -- John Stuart Mill, "On Liberty" 1859

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