Why Americans feel no compulsion to learn foreign langua

Rich Graves llurch at networking.stanford.edu
Fri Mar 29 03:44:33 PST 1996

On Thu, 28 Mar 1996, James Bugden wrote:

> At Thursday, March 28, 1996 12:32 AM, Timothy C. May wrote:
> >My point is not against the learning of a foreign language, just that
> >economic considerations _must_ play a role.
> Q: What do you call an American company that ported its internet software
> to 22 different langauges in order to compete in the world?
> A: Microsoft

BWAHAHAHA!!! That's a good one. Did you hear the one about the SMB
security patch affecting *two* files that was released in English on
October 20th, and for other major western languages in mid-January?


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