
David K. Merriman merriman at arn.net
Thu Mar 28 04:20:24 PST 1996

>X-Sender: tcmay at mail.got.net
>To: cypherpunks at toad.com
>From: tcmay at got.net (Timothy C. May)
>Subject: Re: unsubscrive
>Sender: owner-cypherpunks at toad.com
>At 7:13 PM 3/27/96, Maurizio wrote:
>>unsubscrive cypherpunks
>Ah, a new spelling to be added to the archives. So far, we've got:
>The penalty for not paying attention being continued receipt of 50 mail
>messages a day!

Well, at least this one is *vaguely* forgiveable - the 'b' and 'v' keys
*are* next to each other on a keyboard....

Dave Merriman
"Giving money and power to government is like giving 
whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."
                    P. J. O'Rourke (b. 1947), U.S. journalist.

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