About Triple DES ......

Victor Ramon Aguilar Ocampo aguilar at servidor.dgsca.unam.mx
Tue Mar 26 22:48:46 PST 1996


   Please let me know if TRIPLE DES is regulated by the same rules than 
the others criptography systems in USA.

   We want to use it here in National Autonomous University of Mexico, so 
we don't want to get jailed.

   In case we can use it somebody knows where can i get the source code ??

   I have searched this already in WWW, archie and Veronica.

Thanks in advance.

                  Academic Computing Services      
            National Autonomus University of Mexico

   Victor Ramon Aguilar Ocampo
   Coordinacion de Servicios de Computo
   E-mail:     aguilar at servidor.unam.mx

   " Solo tienes dos cosas en tu hacer, las Razones y 
     los Resultados. Las Razones no cuentan  ".


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