[ADMIN] PGP Announce List Update

Dave Del Torto pgp-announce-owner at LSD.com
Mon Mar 25 03:35:27 PST 1996

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Calling All PGP Fanatics! (of varying degrees) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


The signed message below is what someone sending mail to <pgp-announce-info at lsd.com> would eventually see. Please pass it on to your significant others, so to speak.

FYI, I'll be in Boston at CFP96 from 26 Mar - 2 Apr, so no list-admin-business will likely get done during that period. Expect more news soon after my return about PGP 3.0 and other exciting developments. [ cue music: "Jaws" theme ]


Anyone who has an anus-clenching anecdote, an amusing remembrance or just an aprocryphal Jonah+Whale-tale about their experiences with PGP is encouraged to send it to <pgp-stories at lsd.com> for inclusion in an upcoming anthology (authors will be credited). Now's your chance to recount for all Posterity the adventurous days gone by when you were dropped behind enemy lines (Vienna, VA?) with only a laptop, your trusty educational PGP freeware and your McGyver-esque ingenuity. Do it soon, though if you want your name up in electrons: disk space is limited. ;)



                      "The Official PGP Announce List"

Greetings. The PGP Announce List is a special-interest mailing list established to distribute first-line, official news and information about PGP (Pretty Good Privacy [tm]) from the development team led by Philip Zimmermann to interested parties worldwide (no cryptographic code is included in any of the posts).

Please read the instructions below to join the list. The list is hand-maintained to help ensure that the list is received _only_ by those persons who specifically ask for it and that it contains official information only.

All posting is moderated, and includes items about new PGP releases, legal developments, policy and legislative news, related software add-ons and scripts, co-development projects, software updates, domestic (USA/Canada) distribution notes, worldwide developments, etc. If you have an item to submit, do not send it to Phil: send it to <mailto:pgp-announce-owner at lsd.com>

Forwarding of pgp-announce is encouraged and appreciated, but you *must* copy the entire message (including any PGP signature blocks) or we'll send lawyers to your door with rubber hoses and bad attitudes. ;)

To obtain PGP for your platform (and from your geographic location worldwide) and see what all this darn excitement's about, point your web broswer at this page: <http://www.csn.net/~mpj/getpgp.htm>. When obtaining your copy of PGP, please respect all applicable export restrictions for your safety and the safety of others.

For generic PGP questions or help using the software, mail the smiling PGP Help Team volunteers at: <mailto:pgp-help-humans at hks.net> with a well-documented question in something approximating the English language AFTER consulting the documentation that _always_ accompanies a valid PGP release archive. The Help Team will answer any level of PGP question, ranging from crypto-beginners on up to super-paranoid-cypherpunk-developer types.


PS: Feel free to redirect the instructions below (including the PGP signature) 
    to anyone you know who is interested in news about PGP.

Version: 2.6.2
Comment: Verbum sapienti satis est.



................................... cut here ..................................


.................... "How to get ON the PGP Announce List" ....................

 [1] <mailto:pgp-announce-request at lsd.com>

 [2] SUBJECT:   Your Name <your at email.address>
                    /             \
   UNquoted (") Full name          \
                   Address in <angle-brackets> please, NOT parentheses.

The Body should be left EMPTY (as in nothing, zero, null, void). Please don't put the word "subscribe" anywhere in your msg (killfile fodder). People who can't manage to follow these instructions probably shouldn't be trusted with crypto stuff anyway, right? Once a *correctly-formatted* request makes it past the evolutionary-check-filters, the actual subscription process is higher-primate-managed and list membership is updated when announcements are mailed.

This list aspires to be the lowest-volume mailing list on the entire Internet, so you will NOT receive instant verification of your subscription (except for the exquisitely rare admin/test msgs and the announcements themselves). If you follow the instructions above EXACTLY, you're subscribed (and if you don't, you're not). Variations (eg. leaving out the <brackets> on the address or letting your auto-signature mechanism get out of control) will cause the bozo-filters to bit-bucket a request automagically. Sending multiple requests accomplishes nothing other than irritating the cage-cleaners. Send banana peels and/or complaints to <mailto:pgp-announce-owner at lsd.com>.



        TO: pgp-announce-request at lsd.com
      SUBJ: Your Name <your_address>


        TO: pgp-announce-request at lsd.com
      SUBJ: Joe Billy Bob Bozo [jbbb at cant.read.directions.com}
      BODY: Howdy! Kin yew SUBSCRIBE me to yer list? I also has a question...

.................... "How to get OFF the PGP Announce List" ...................

If you wish to REMOVE yourself from the distribution list, or to CHANGE your listed address (which netiquette is greatly appreciated by the minions who shovel the bits and watch the mail-bounce errors collect, BTW), please format your request as follows:


        TO: pgp-announce-request at lsd.com
      SUBJ: REMOVE Your Name <your_address>


        TO: pgp-announce-request at lsd.com
      SUBJ: CHANGE Your_Name <OLD_address> = <NEW_address>


Version: 2.6.2
Comment: Verbum sapienti satis est.


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