protection on IoMega ZIP drives

Bill Stewart stewarts at
Sun Mar 24 14:45:13 PST 1996

At 12:55 PM 3/24/96 -0800, Alan Olsen <alano at> wrote:
>The SCSI Zip drives do act as normal SCSI drives (though they have a limited
>number of SCSI ids available. (5 & 6 if I remember correctly.) Later drives
>may have this changed.)
>The problems i am encountering are due to the _parellel_ version of the Zip
>drive.  (I bought it because I needed to be able to visit customer sites and
>not all of them have SCSI.)  The drivers fake a scsi port.  (Some laptops
>use a similar driver to attach hard drives to non-scsi systems.)

Hmmm - I've got the Syquest parallel-port drive.  Syquest offers
SCSI and IDE flavors of their drive - and the parallel port
version emulates IDE (don't know if it's EIDE or vanilla IDE...)

#			Thanks;  Bill
# Bill Stewart, stewarts at, +1-415-442-2215 pager 408-787-1281
# "At year's end, however, new government limits on Internet access threatened
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