
Anonymous Remail Service nobody at vegas.gateway.com
Sat Mar 23 06:07:53 PST 1996

drose at AZStarNet.com wrote:

William B. F--- er, F. Buckley? The "libertarian" who supports
blue laws and prayer in schools wanting to censor the internet?

(And maybe it's not rational, but anyone with a name like
"Arianna Huffington" is not worth taking seriously outside a
room full of hundred- and fifty year old WASPs burning Beatles
albums and copies of Origin of Species.)

_Firing Line_ debate
Resolved: The Government Has the Right to Regulate the Internet
"A current communications controversy fuels the proposed resolution in the
latest installment of William F. Buckley Jr.'s recurring series, in which
participants debate whether the Internet should be federally regulated.
Among those arguing for it with Buckley are Arianna Huffington and Reid
Hoffman; those against it include Susan Estrich and John Perry Barlow."

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