protection on IoMega ZIP drives

Ed Carp erc at
Sat Mar 23 03:12:03 PST 1996

On Sat, 23 Mar 1996, Deranged Mutant wrote:

> On 23 Mar 96 at 3:00, Ed Carp wrote:
> > Has anyone tried SFS?  It should work on the zip drive, though I've not 
> > tried it (yet)...
> If I recall some recent threads on (or sci.crypt?), 
> SFS doesn't work on ZIP drives (since ZIPs use the parallel port...).
> [Or do ZIPs use Scuzzies and the people who had problems were just 
> too lame to figure out that they had to load the driver before SFS?]

Perhaps the latter, but Zip drives come in two flavors: parallel and 
SCSI.  I have the SCSI version :)
Ed Carp, N7EKG    			Ed.Carp at, ecarp at
					214/993-3935 voicemail/digital pager
					800/558-3408 SkyPager
Finger ecarp at for PGP 2.5 public key		an88744 at

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