New Beta Test of PGPfone available WINDOWS '95 Included!

Mutatis Mutantdis wlkngowl at
Sat Mar 23 02:48:39 PST 1996

jis at (Jeffrey I. Schiller) writes:

>We have finally released a Windows '95 version of PGPfone. This release
>includes PGPfone for Macintosh version 1.0b6 and PGPfone for Windows '95
>version 1.0b1. Note: The Macintosh version does not talk to earlier versions.
>However the Macintosh and Windows version talk to each other!

>Connections can be either via modem or the Internet.

Will there ever be a Win32s version of PGPfone?  I have one of those systems
with non-(MS)DOS partitions that MS-DOS/Wind95 doesn't like, so until MS can
deal with the fact that people use other OSs, I'm staying clean of Win95.

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