Microchip Technologies and Nanoteq

Arley Carter ac at hawk.twinds.com
Fri Mar 22 12:09:56 PST 1996

Microchip Technologies, the "PIC" people, according to the grapevine is 
introducing smart card products apparently based upon Nanoteq's 
algorithm's.  Microchip calls it "Keeloq Code Hopping". Bruce Schneier's 
short description of the Nanoteq algorithm (p 390 2nd edition Applied 
Crypto ) is not too favorable. I'm not sure how code hopping interacts or 
is used in the system.  

Can anybody shed further light on this subject and the viability of this
cryptographic system?  


Arley Carter
Tradewinds Technologies, Inc.
email: ac at hawk.twinds.com
www: http://www.twinds.com

"Trust me. This is a secure product. I'm from <insert your favorite 
corporation or government agency>."

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