Mac Crypto Conference

vinnie moscaritolo vinnie at
Tue Mar 19 17:58:57 PST 1996

hey all;

I setup a mac-crypto mailing list at  majordomo at
the ususal:

to: majordomo at
subscribe mac-crypto

will get you on board.

I't purpose is to discuss the specifics of macintosh based cryptography,
save the politics for cyhperpunks.

my first topic of discussion is the idea of a mac crypto conference, here
at apple, cupertino. I wsa thinking of a one day afair, a few sessions,
mostly tech, open to the developer public.

Vinnie Moscaritolo
Apple DTS Sniper
"One Shot..One Kill"

Fingerprint =  4F A3 29 81 50 E4 04 F2  78 25 01 87 6E A2 14 6A

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