(Fwd) BACKGROUNDER: Internet Censorship FAQ

Deranged Mutant WlkngOwl at unix.asb.com
Thu Mar 14 22:08:40 PST 1996

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From: telstar at wired.com
Subject: BACKGROUNDER: Internet Censorship FAQ

Yesterday I received some friendly email from Jonathan Wallace, a
subscriber to this list.

Jonathan pointed me toward his Web site, where I found the following list
of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Internet Censorship.  It's a
great background document which contains many pearls of insight, so I'm
redistributing it here with Johnathan's permission.

Jonathan , by the way, is also co-author of  "Sex, Laws and Cyberspace," a
new book on Internet censorship from Henry Holt.

Spread the word!

--Todd Lappin-->
Sedtion Editor
WIRED Magazine


The Internet Censorship FAQ



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