Why escrow? (was Re: How would Leahy bill affect crypto

Deranged Mutant WlkngOwl at UNiX.asb.com
Thu Mar 14 16:32:51 PST 1996

On 13 Mar 96 at 9:41, jim bell wrote:
> Notice, however, how the government seems to be assuming that "key escrow" 
> (to the extent that it is implemented at all!) gets implemented in a way 
> which is "friendly" to government agents.  They assume that there is one key 

Since when is the government intentionally going to let any bill or 
policy go through that isn't friendly to themselves??? (You don't 
have to be an anarchist to figure that out!)

> Even the most limited planning could easily develop a system that achieves 
> all the benefits of escrow for the user, but is essentially impossible for 
> government agents (or for that matter, anyone else!) to use to the detriment 
> of the user.  

Nothing is safe from abuse, by the goverment or non-government fols 
alike.  There's always more loopholes to clean up.   (Not that this 
means we shouldn't clean them up... obviously bad policies should be 
fixed...). Just as no crypto is 100% foolproof, no legal system is 
100% abuse-proof.


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