FCC & Internet phones

Adam Shostack adam at lighthouse.homeport.org
Tue Mar 12 22:25:57 PST 1996

Loren James Rittle wrote:

| >Most
| >presumably use a mix of a UDP data connection and tcp for control
| >functions.
| OK, everything after the IP header is encrypted.  I don't even know
| which protocol is in use.

	Are you willing to play Mallet?  Drop IP packets, and look for
duplicates.  Those are TCP.  (IPSEC might handle this, but I bet there
will be broken implementations that save time by resending.)

| >They all consist of high volume, long duration connections
| >(or data flows in the case of UDP.)  Many probably use a standardized
| >destination port.
| OK, everything after the IP header is encrypted.  I don't know
| which port is in use.

	Which doesn't change the nature of the data, which is:

	Alice sends long (3-60 second) heavy flows to Bob.
	Alice's flow stops, Bobs picks up.

| In short, assuming IPSEC, the data stream cannot be easily found.
| Slightly different assumptions led to a radically different outcome.

	First, assume a can opener.  :)

	Actually, I'll bet you I can pick out your encrypted data for
the common case, which will continue to be a modem, which can't handle
heavy back traffic flows for the sake of hiding who is speaking.


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