Video resolution

A. Padgett Peterson P.E. Information Security PADGETT at
Mon Mar 11 07:48:04 PST 1996

Note: this refers to the IBM PC & clones only

> The point is that they do a lousy job on dithering.  So does Microsoft
> explorer.  They probably purchased the identical code from some clot.

Have been watching this go back and forth & get further from the original
question as usual. I suspect that if the original poster looks in her/his/
its/other SYSTEM.INI file, the line "display.drv=vga.drv" will be found in
the [boot] section. This is the default 16 color driver installed by 
Windows to be compatible with every 256k 640x480 VGA card.

This makes a decent GIF or JPEG  - even "64 gray scale" such as the
QuickCam produces - look like olifactory solid waste products.

To do better, you need three things:
1) A video card with higher resolution (usually at least 1 Mb of video 
   memory is necessary).
2) A video monitor capable of supporting the card's output.
3) An increased resolution (at least 256 colors as the first responder
   mentioned) video driver to replace vga.drv (YMMV).

If any of these are missing, see the second paragraph above.


ps the CDA does nothing to block really creative insults 8*).

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