rhetorical trickery

Jeff Davis eagle at armory.com
Sun Mar 10 22:31:31 PST 1996

> At  1:19 PM 3/10/96 -0800, Vladimir Z. Nuri wrote:
> >please, will people stop sending me responses like the above? do you
> >understand how the American legal system works? a person cannot
> >be prosecuted without evidence. evidence cannot be illegally obtained.
> >a person is not required to testify against oneself.  these are all
> >basic long-established cornerstones of our legal system.
> I'm sure that my friend who tried to argue about a speeding ticket in New
> Jersey, had the bones around his eye socket broken and then was arrested
> for "Resisting Arrest" will be comforted to hear this.  (BTW, a mutual
> friend was a witness and confirmed the story.  I can't think of any reason
> they would have to lie to me about the facts.)
> --Bill Frantz      

There is *some* justice in America.  The University of Wyoming had a Campus
Cop named Waters, who also worked for Information Technology and fancied
himself becoming the next Internet Sherlock Holms.  Unfortunately, IT canned
his ass for alleged violations of privacy before he could make a career out
of electronic snooping.  The closest he came to me in all the years I 
was using unauthorized access there, was giving me a ticket for driving on an
expired license.

Now days I'm getting too legit to quit.  Prof Van Baalen bought my idea of
Free Public Internet Access for Wyoming residents on a self educational UNIX
box, a spare Sparc 10 wired at T1 speed.  We go online by the Equinox >;) 
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