Pat Buchanan, anti-semite and ... the next Crossfire host!

Mr. Sam uunet!!!!usenet at
Sun Mar 10 14:21:01 PST 1996

In <313cf45d.11750162 at>, voltai29 at (Volty) wrote:

>That's not what the election results for the Republican primaries and
>caucuses tonight (Tuesday, March 5, 1996) are saying. It appears that
>the hand picked GOP geezer and sacrificial lamb to Bill Clinton in

Dolty is very predictable.  While it looked like Mr. Pat was going to pull
ahead, his spew was directed at him.  Now, that Mr. Bob is forging ahead,
expect Dolty to start ranting against Mr. Bob.  You wait, in a few months
he'll be saying nice things about Mr. Pat.  Mark my words.  This loser is not
really interested in anything factual to discuss.  He is so deathly afraid of
Mr. Bill being sent back to Arkansas, that he would blaspheme even against God
himself, if he was running on the Republican ticket.

>November is running away with the Republican nomination. Pat will just
>have to goose step back to Crossfire after he finished splitting the
>party right down the middle (right?).

Wrong.  You are rarely right on anything.

Mr. Sam: member, talk.politics.misc troll patrol
         channel operator, #Sci-Fi - Undernet IRC sci-fi/fantasy channel
"Government is not a solution to our | "First of all, keep in mind that most
problem, government IS the problem." | of our problem is with working
 -- R. Reagan.                       | Americans." -- B. Clinton.

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