Edited Edupage, 5 March 1996

Sat Mar 9 16:08:57 PST 1996

From:	IN%"educom at elanor.oit.unc.edu"  7-MAR-1996 16:54:24.02

>Edupage, 5 March 1996.  Edupage, a summary of news items on information
>technology, is provided three times each week as a service by Educom,
>a Washington, D.C.-based consortium of leading colleges and universities
>seeking to transform education through the use of information technology.

	Unless all they're doing is putting an (incredibly expensive) front
end on PGP, these people appear to be reinventing the wheel.

>Open Market Inc. has developed a new class of Web software designed with
>built-in message-checking to ensure the integrity of messages and make the
>network safe for financial transactions.  OM-Transact doesn't come cheap --
>it's priced at $250,000 per license.  Another new product, OM-Axcess, allows
>companies to monitor and control access to the Internet by both employees
>and customers.  It costs $35,000 a copy.  (Investor's Business Daily 5 Mar
>96 A8)

>Edupage is written by John Gehl (gehl at educom.edu) & Suzanne Douglas
>(douglas at educom.edu).  Voice:  404-371-1853, Fax: 404-371-8057.  

>Technical support is provided by the Office of Information Technology,
>University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

>EDUPAGE is what you've just finished reading.  To subscribe to Edupage: send
>a message to: listproc at educom.unc.edu and in the body of the message type:
>subscribe edupage Feodor Dostoevski (assuming that your name is Feodor
>Dostoevski;  if it's not, substitute your own name).  ...  To cancel, send a
>message to: listproc at educom.unc.edu and in the body of the message type:
>unsubscribe edupage.   (Subscription problems?  Send mail to
>educom at educom.unc.edu.)

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