What's anyone know about Teledyne Electronic Technologies?

geeman at best.com geeman at best.com
Thu Mar 7 10:28:26 PST 1996

At 01:42 AM 3/7/96 -0500, you wrote:
>>Teledyne (TET) is out marketing a "new" crypto system as a competitor 
>>against DES and what TET calls "linear" cryptosystems.  They are claiming 
>>a non-linear approach in which (as best I can tell) they are permuting 
>>the s-boxes and using 4 bit/16 entry substitution tables.
A couple of points:
1. DES is nonlinear and (I believe) provably not a group; that TET is
alluding to DES being linear casts grave doubt.  If their S-Box "permutes"
I'd also be concerned!

>Dont trust it unless you are a good cryptanalyst and have a copy of the
>source code.  Most commercial crypto products are crap.
>Jonathan Wienke

2. Most NEW UNPROVEN CRYPTOSYSTEMS are crap, not crypto products.  That's
too strong an assertion.  Plenty of commercial crypto products(and perhaps
"most" which in significant commercial disctribution) are based on strong
DES/RSA, etc. proven technologies.

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