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owner-cypherpunks at owner-cypherpunks at
Thu Mar 7 08:53:37 PST 1996

Ayse Sercan wrote:

> At any rate, if I were the mother, and my kid was being led away by a
> clerk who could have been the very pervert who thought that those nude
> pictures meant child pornography, I'd certainly do everything in my power
> to protect my child from such an individual.

That's rediculous. The mother did not flip because Zona led the child away.
The mother flipped when asked about the photos. This caused Zona to not
want the child to see argument. The mother just has serious problems in
general. She feels justified in trashing the place and throwing the lamp,
which is why she refused the punishment and took 30 days in jail. She,
in the presence of her child, was wrong to get violent. She has a lack of



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