What's anyone know about Teledyne Electronic Technologies?

Ed Carp erc at dal1820.computek.net
Thu Mar 7 02:43:55 PST 1996

On Thu, 7 Mar 1996 JonWienke at aol.com wrote:

> >Teledyne (TET) is out marketing a "new" crypto system as a competitor 
> >against DES and what TET calls "linear" cryptosystems.  They are claiming 
> >a non-linear approach in which (as best I can tell) they are permuting 
> >the s-boxes and using 4 bit/16 entry substitution tables.
> Dont trust it unless you are a good cryptanalyst and have a copy of the
> source code.  Most commercial crypto products are crap.

You'd be surprised how many of them are doing the "message XOR key" stuff
that so many of us wrote when were, as Roy Scheider put it in 'Blue
Thunder', "young and stupid".  Also, S-boxes are a fancy way of getting
yourself into a lot of trouble while promoting a false sense of security -
they are *very* hard to get right, and it takes a lot of work to prove
that you haven't introduced a weakness with the "improvement".  See "S-Box
Design" in Schneier's book, page 349 for a good intro to designing such. 
Ed Carp, N7EKG    			Ed.Carp at linux.org, ecarp at netcom.com
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Finger ecarp at netcom.com for PGP 2.5 public key		an88744 at anon.penet.fi

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