SEAL cipher info requested (something actually list related!)

Christopher Allen ChristopherA at
Tue Mar 5 19:51:21 PST 1996

At 5:26 PM 3/5/96, Ted Anderson wrote:
>As James Earl Jones would say: "It's in the Book".

At 6:57 PM 3/5/96, Bill Frantz wrote:
>Try "Applied Cryptography, Second Edition", by Bruce Schneier

At 10:20 PM 3/5/96, Daniel R. Oelke wrote:
>Get Applied Cryptography!!!

To all that keep telling me to use Applied Cryptography -- I have the book
already (an autographed copy ;-)

What I am seeking is more than what is in the book:

  * are there are any links on the web to SEAL?
  * is IBM actively marketing it?
  * what precisely is patent?
  * for how long?
  * has anyone currently licensed it?
  * has anyone tried attacking the algorithm?
  * should we be (the community) be looking at SEAL
    for standards (say as an alternative to RC4?)?
  * is there something better then SEAL available?

..Christopher Allen                  Consensus Development Corporation..
..<ChristopherA at>                 1563 Solano Avenue #355..
..                                             Berkeley, CA 94707-2116..
..<>             o510/559-1500  f510/559-1505..

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