FW: Communications Decency Act (hee-hee)

blanc blancw at accessone.com
Sun Mar 3 23:12:02 PST 1996

From: 	Timothy C. May

This is of course an old idea. Regrettably, the CDA is not based on a
simple bright line test invovling the "Seven [exonized] Words,"
immortalized in the FCC--Carlin--Pacifica case. Rather, "indecent" is
broadly interpreted to mean essentially whatever a prosecutor can convince
a panel of bluenosed citizens is indecent.

Well, if you were prosecuted, you could always explain what it means to kiss your "Gingrich" by pointing to any part of your body you choose.

Of course they would be indicating, by their accusations, that they know enough about indecency to become suspicious over the resemblance....

(such sensitive people)


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