Problems with certificates.

jamesd at jamesd at
Sun Mar 3 07:13:43 PST 1996

At 08:35 AM 3/1/96 -0500, A. Padgett Peterson P.E. Information Security wrote:
>Today, each person generates their own PGP key. While it is unlikely that
>any two will match, it is likely that at some point some two will match
>(see matching birthdays in a bar - number is less than you would think).

If if we colonized every planet in the galaxy, and every planet had a 
trillion people, and every single person on every planet generated a billion 
keys a second for a billion billion years, not one pair would match, assuming 
they were generated from truly random seeds.

We have the right to defend ourselves	|
and our property, because of the kind	|  
of animals that we are. True law	|   James A. Donald
derives from this right, not from the	|  
arbitrary power of the state.		|   jamesd at

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