Anonymous Web Browsing

Bill Stewart stewarts at
Sat Mar 2 16:59:58 PST 1996

At 03:44 PM 3/2/96 +0000, "Mark Grant, M.A. (Oxon)" <mark at> wrote:
>> These are "web proxies," and searching on this should produce some
>> information to answer your questions.
>.... hidden mailto: .... even worse with Javascript.
>Note to Netscape people: Is it possible to have an option that will *always*
>pop up a mail window and request confirmation before mail is sent out? Or
>disable mailto altogether? It would be a lot easier than binary editing 
>the executable to remove all the mailto strings...

At least in the Windows version, you can set the SMTP server you
want to use for your outgoing mail.  So you could do a proxy email server
that listens for SMTP and pops up confirmations for outgoing traffic.
For the moment, you'd probably have to write your own, but the new
Winsock Remailer probably has the code you need to do most of the work,
and you'd only have to add some GUI buttons and whistles.

#				Thanks;  Bill
# Bill Stewart, stewarts at / billstewart at +1-415-442-2215
#     Pager +1-408-787-1281

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