Edited Edupage, 29 Feb 1996

Mike McNally m5 at dev.tivoli.com
Fri Mar 1 18:29:55 PST 1996

E. ALLEN SMITH writes:
 > The below is worrisome; I am willing to bet that the European
 > governments might try to require it, and that the US might follow suit if the
 > CDA gets tossed out (analogous to the V-chip). I'll send a further message
 > after I've analyzed the rating system in question a bit more.

Require it?  Of whom?  

What will all these people do the day somebody implements a new
web-like internet protocol and makes a daemon available for free
anonymous download?  There seems to be some kind of wierd idea
floating around that all we need to do is to "rate those web pages".

Anyway, I don't know what more needs to be said about a rating system
other than that it's a rating system.

Mike M Nally * Tiv^H^H^H IBM * Austin TX    * pain is inevitable  
       m5 at tivoli.com * m101 at io.com          *
      <URL:http://www.io.com/~m101>         * suffering is optional

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