Special Agent Safdar

Timothy C. May tcmay at got.net
Mon Jul 22 13:11:27 PDT 1996

At 8:32 AM 7/22/96, Bilderberger Standard Time, Disinformation Officer
Anonymous wrote:
>FBI Special Agent Safdar is upset enough by the revelation
>of his true identity to issue a quick denial (on a sunday night, to get
>more OT no doubt), but he doesn't even bother to try to refute the
>central truth that his cover has been blown by a careless operator at
>his home office who verified his employment and offered to take a message
>for him.
>We don't have to wonder a second longer about the motives behind
>Safdar\VTW\FBI's collection of names of crypto-dissidents, their
>support of the Leahy crypto control bill, their refusal to
>denounce it even today, their support of the digital telephone
>act, the disinformation to make us believe otherwise and all
>the other lies. And what about the money?
>We must call on the other organizations, like EPIC, EFF, CDT, and ACLU
>to denounce the VTW\FBI fraud. Their board of directories, Blaze and

I contacted Field Agent Eric Hughes, of the Western Regional Office, and he
denied that there are any connections between VTW (Vulis Tchurka Watch) and
the FBI.

The special functions of Operation Sun Tentacle, led by a former Sun
employee named John Gilmore, are focussed almost totally on recruiting the
"tentacles" of dissidents in the Western Regional Area, centered on the Bay

Ignore disinformation.

--Special Agent Timothy C. May

cc: James Kallstrom, Cypherpunks New York Office

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