INFO: Submit your testimony to Congress for hearings on July 25!

geeman at geeman at
Mon Jul 22 12:32:56 PDT 1996

Simon Spero says:
"paranoid rants have their place; however, if they keep bursting into 
cypherpunks without knocking first, there could be an accident.

Lithium.... it's not just for watch batteries anymore."

Seems to apply here, no?

From: 	initialization[SMTP:initialization at]
Sent: 	Sunday, July 21, 1996 6:23 PM
To: 	cypherpunks at
Subject: 	Re: INFO: Submit your testimony to Congress for hearings on July 25! 

vtw at writes:
... etc etc etc etc


This is an amazing time for Big Brother, who, in the person of VTW,
is gathering the names and addresses of all who oppose it, one by one,
under the Rube of "testimony" and "democracy"?

What do you think will happen next? You think Big Brother is going to hear
what you say and say "oh my god they are right!" and then turn around
and mend its ways? NO! You will be marked as a trouble maker in your file,
and rounded up or worse, when the time comes!

They have duped many into participating, and others, prominent ones like
Blaze, Diffie, Schneier, Zimmermann, have been blackmailed into working
for them.

Turn your back on this sham "democracy". Fuck their "hearings". And demand
truth from "VTW". VTW=NSA+FBI front.

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