Crypto '96 reminder -- register if you haven't!

John Gilmore gnu at
Sat Jul 20 21:10:42 PDT 1996

If you haven't already registered for Crypto '96, you're late!  But
there's probably still time.  They no longer guarantee that they will
have space for you, but if they do, you'll get in.

See for details.  It costs about $640 plus plane
fare to attend ($420 conference registration, $220 for dorm space and
meals).  Plus transportation there and back.  It's in a beautiful
location at UC Santa Barbara, right next to the beach.  The weather,
food, and discussions are always good, and it's a great way to meet
good cryptographers and discuss the future privacy and security of the
world.  If the papers look too complicated for you, relax; they're
cryptic for academic bureacratic reasons.  The actual presentations by
their authors are quite well explained, and are often lively and

If you're doing something interesting with crypto, submit a note for
the "rump session", short informal talks about work in progress, which
will happen on Tuesday evening during the conference.  I hope to be
speaking there about my latest crypto projects.

	John Gilmore

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