Reverse Engineer

Seth I. Rich seth at
Sat Jul 20 06:39:24 PDT 1996

>> What do you mean by "reverse engineer?" I have heard this word several
>> times especially in the world of hacking, but... can someone tell me
>> what it really meant?

>Interesting question.  
>I would answer this question for you but then I would have to kill 

Well, I don't have to be subject to such childishness.

Reverse engineering code is like decompiling it.  Starting with the
compiled code, you can translate it backwards (to some degree) and
see how it works.  It's not as easy as taking a compiled program and
ending up with the original C code, but if it's worth enough to you
you -can- end up with the same information.

Seth I. Rich - seth at            "Info-Puritan elitist crapola!!"
Systems Administrator / Webmaster, HYGNet             (pbeilard at
Rabbits on walls, no problem.

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