Responding to Pre-dawn Unannounced Ninja Raids

Chris Adams adamsc at
Fri Jul 19 22:37:46 PDT 1996

On 18 Jul 96 01:20:16 -0800, tcmay at wrote:

>I wonder when and how raids in the U.S. moved from the "Come out with your
>hands up" verbal announcement (for the cases that needed more than a knock
>on the door) to this blast-in-the-doors approach, where the raiders are
>dressed in "tactical black" and are wearing black Nomex hoods and carrying
>MP-5s and blast any "perp" who looks at them cross-eyed?

OTOH, you have to admit that the possibility of being attacked by a (most
likely) better armed criminal has bothered many cops - it has to be a
rather stresful job. Sadly, they seem to either a) overreact as noted
above or b) be led by idiots who order the above...  I used to be a
fidonet point off of a board run by a cop. He was very reasonable, and
unfortunately seemed to be right at the point where he had enough
"empowerment" to be blamed but not enough to shine a little common sense
into things... Almost like Vietnam - the grunts get shot and ridiculed
because the desk-pilots can't make a valid policy. I liked Tom Clancy's
description of the CIA: "We have a lot of people who are good at ordering
their martninis shaken, not stirred." 

>As people as diverse as Marine Colonel Jeff Cooper and Watergate felon G.
>Gordon Liddy have noted, any black-clad "ninjas" entering a home at 4 a.m.
>without clearly announcing themselves are asking for trouble. (Liddy got in
>a lot of trouble for calling for "head shots" on rampaging BATFags.
>Frankly, I'm not a good enough shot--especially in high-stress
>situations--to make head shots with my H & K .45, so I can only hope to
>make torso shots.)

See, you need to use that computer - automated defense systems. Bet it
could do okay with a ballistics module... <g>

>least two of them with me. (Interestingly, the same class of folks who want
>to ban "military-grade crypto" are also seeking to ban Kevlar vest-piercing
>rounds. Fortunately, though KTW ammo is no longer available to "marks" (=
>civilians), .45 ACP +P does a pretty good job. Certain +P .357 Magnum
What's really funny is that nobody seems to notice that criminals aren't
that concerned with breaking laws.  I think some people need to go to
Dogbert's school of Common Sense... 

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