Netscrape download

David Lesher wb8foz at
Thu Jul 18 22:38:04 PDT 1996

[From Phil Karn]

Netscape's use of a CGI interface to download the US version
(128-bit key) of Netscape Navigator raises the possibility
that they are "serializing" or "personalizing" each copy they
send out, perhaps in response to a DoS request that they do so
in order to trace unauthorized redistribution.

One way to test this theory without redistributing the actual
code is to compare MD5 hashes of the distributions. After two
days of unsuccessful attempts at obtaining the code from their
overloaded server, I've just successfully downloaded the SunOS,
BSDI and Windows 95 versions of Netscape Navigator. Here are the
MD5 hashes of the files I received:

BSDI version:

SunOS version:

Windows 95 version:

Anybody care to compare these to the copies they obtain, assuming
the logjam on the server breaks sometime soon?


A host is a host from coast to coast.................wb8foz at
& no one will talk to a host that's close...........(v)301 56 LINUX
Unless the host (that isn't close).........................pob 1433
is busy, hung or dead........vr vr vr vr.................20915-1433

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