[NOISY] Your own Zundelsite in five minutes or less

Declan B. McCullagh declan+ at CMU.EDU
Wed Jan 31 01:10:45 PST 1996

Excerpts from internet.cypherpunks: 30-Jan-96 Re: [NOISY] Your own
Zundel.. by Lucky Green at netcom.com 
> I am really interested what the German government is going to do next.
> Force their universities to dismount AFS?
> How can we best get the fact the their censorship efforts have hit *the
> wall* to their attention? Any Germans on this list that can file a
> complaint against the sites with the German authorities? What about
> contacting German Telekom?
> We won't have won until they restore the routes to Webcom.

I agree -- I don't think the censors have lost. If anything, the
restrictions are getting worse; the latest reports from Germany say that
the www.webcom.com blocking is not limited to DT/T-Online.

Now the German universities are blocking, as is the "Win" scientific
network. All in the absence of a court order. One message forwarded to
me apparently came from network admins:

ich moechte Sie an dieser Stelle ueber eine bewusste
Routing-Einschraenkung informieren.  Bis auf weiteres wird die Route
zum Server www.webcom.com alias s1000e.webcom.com ( auf
dem ipgate2 geerdet: "wir haben nun das Routing zum WWW-Server
www.webcom.com eingestellt.  Wie aus der Tagespresse zu erfahren war,
wird ueber diesen Server Nazi-Propaganda verteilt. Die
Staatsanwaltschaft Mannheim ermittelt gegen Ernst Zuendel, Produzent
dieser WWW-Seite, wegen des Verdachts auf Volksverhetzung."

If anyone's interested, we're talking about this in more detail on
fight-censorship, which is probably a more appropriate forum. Email
fight-censorship-request+ at andrew.cmu.edu if you'd like to be added.


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