FV Demonstrates Fatal Flaw (Noise + Humour)

Anonymous nobody at REPLAY.COM
Tue Jan 30 04:13:00 PST 1996

(Second year PR student press release crap deleted)

On 1/29/96 Nathaniel Borenstein preached the evils of Internet Commerce.......

NB> If your idea of "today's computer users" comes from cypherpunks, you're
NB> living in a dream world. FV's experience with average Internet users 
NB> includes some of us who ask us not to use complicated "technical terms" like
NB> "cut and paste".  Ther certainly can't be counted on to know which
NB> software to download and which to avoid.

I'd bet that one half learned to download and use Vueprint 4.3 and the other
are finishing up learning Mavis Beacon's Typing Tutor.

Later on in the day, Nate yacked that......

NB> This is fine for you and me.  But Internet commerce has to work for the
NB> hundreds of millions of non-technical consumers who are swarming onto
NB> the Internet.  If someone emails them a program that purports to show
NB> them pretty pictures (dirty movies?).....

Glad you are trying to market some of your other overpriced services, Point your
(Not THAT!!!) browser to:


and pan down to the bottom of the page, Seems that every third service for
sale by
First Virtual is about sex. For instance......

adult advertising, amateur art, bisexual, cyberpunk (full of dating
services?!?) gay,
images, jpegjpg, lesbian literature, male marketing, nude, nudity,
pornography, sex,
singles, and on and on!

Send out a press release after Chaum has bought you guys out!

The Christmas Troll


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