"Gentlemen do not read each other's mail"

Perry E. Metzger perry at piermont.com
Sun Jan 28 11:39:07 PST 1996

jim bell writes:
> (For the historically-impaired:  Coventry was/is an English town (small 
> city?) perhaps most famous from the Lady Godiva legend...but I digress...    
>  British found out, I guess through Ultra, that it was going to be bombed.  
> Telling the inhabitants would have saved many lives, but (possibly) alerted 
> the Germans that Enigma had been broken.  British made the correct choice:  
> Let the city get bombed without (much?) warning.  The value of keeping the 
> broken-ness of Ultra a secret far outweighed the value of Coventry.)

The current claim is that, in fact, there was no advance warning about
Coventry and that the claims that there was are unsubstantiated.


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