Spin Control Alert (LI Newsday, 2/12/96)

Carl Ellison cme at cybercash.com
Thu Feb 29 00:42:18 PST 1996

At 16:52 2/17/96, Declan B. McCullagh wrote:

>McMickle, a protege of Taylor's, *wrote* Sen. Chuck Grassley's
>net.indecency legislation. McMickle is a longtime anti-porn activist and
>worked in an office shared by the National Law Center, the National
>Coalition Against Pornography, and Enough is Enough! McMickle now works
>for Grassley.

McMickle also drafted the Grassley bill which would turn ftp of PGP into
a RICO-enforceable federal crime.  That's the bill the FBI declared was
laughably extreme.  It sank into nothingness -- but I did have a few
rounds with McMickle on the phone about it.  He appeared to take special
pleasure in the idea of putting PRZ in jail and siezing all his worldly
goods for the crime of nose-thumbing at the USGov't.

 - Carl

|Carl M. Ellison          cme at cybercash.com   http://www.clark.net/pub/cme |
|CyberCash, Inc., Suite 430                   http://www.cybercash.com/    |
|2100 Reston Parkway           PGP 2.6.2: 61E2DE7FCB9D7984E9C8048BA63221A2 |
|Reston, VA 22091      Tel: (703) 620-4200                                 |

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