Portland, OR, Key-Signing+

Bruce Baugh bruce at aracnet.com
Tue Feb 13 13:38:32 PST 1996



Yes, it's that time again.

When:   Saturday, February 26, 1996
        come 4:30-5 pm to join those of us watching the new 
        episode of MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000, or
        come 7:30-8 pm to avoid it

Where:  my apartment, in SE Portland
        e-mail me for directions

This meeting is about to be announced in a bunch of local and
regional newsgroups; I hope to get a crop of novices as well 
as the more experienced folks. A keysigning will take place, 
with instructions for it mailed out later in the week.

I have a PC running Windows 95, and it'll be available for use in
key verification and the like. If anyone has a portable computer
with another OS to bring, please do.

Proposed topics:

1) Alan Olsen is working on an e-mail client with PGP integration.
Let's talk interface.

2) I'm working on a guide for crypto newbies. Come and tell me what
works or doesn't.

3) So, just how lame is the Communications Decency Act, anyway? :-)

4) Whatever of crypto relevance is on your mind.

Since there was confusion last time about expectations, let me spell
out of a few things up.

1) Since some participants have expressed the desire not to be
photographed, no cameras.

2) Insofar as others have other concerns, e-mail me. No guarantees
on what we can do or not, but I'd like as many people as possible 
to be as comfortable as possible.

3) What's discussed during the soiree _will_ be fair game for
comment later. Interesting insights, dramatic news, stunning
rhetoric, the whole deal, may all be continued on the net later.

There are, alas, some restrictions on partying tools, imposed by 
my chronic immune problems. If you smoke, a) please hold off if
possible or b) take it outside and away from my door. (I have a 
nice back patio suitable for this purpose, since I never use it 
for anything.) I will have quite a variety of drinks on hand, 
but please, leave the alcohol at home. Ditto for any scents or 
perfumes you might usually wear. This way I get to have fun, too. 

I really hate to add this particular paragraph (and it isn't in the
version that'll get posted to newsgroups), but...one person won't be
welcome. Jim Bell's conduct at the last meeting and on the list are
such as to make it quite clear that I don't want him in my home. I
won't send him directions. I ask that nobody else do so. If he
shows, he will not be allowed in. I have no interest in hosting a
get-together dominated by the perpetuation of an increasingly dull
flamewar. (And if he can stop grinding the usual axes in the next
two weeks, I'd be delighted to drop this.) The time and energy I,
and other participants, have are too valuable to waste that way. 
(And if he thinks I'm being unreasonable, he is of course free to 
organize his own gathering.) [Note: I will not pursue this matter
further on Cypherpunks. I needed to announce it; I don't need to
sustain the flame fest.]


Version: 2.6.2


Bruce Baugh
bruce at aracnet.com

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