Free Speech Mirrors hit Toronto Star

Tim Philp bplib at
Thu Feb 8 10:40:46 PST 1996

	Canada's largest newspaper, The Toronto Star today published an
account of the Ernst Zundel affair in the Fast Forward Section of the
paper. Net columnist K. K. Campbell, in what looks like a 1500 word
article, (I didn't count them) gives a good account of the German attempt
to censor the Internet. He even mentions the fact that the MIT mirror was
ordered removed, but gives no details.
	He goes on to take a shot at other attempts at censorship like the
Church of Scientology lawsuits and the disaster that ensued attempting to
keep these documents secret.
	Finally, he talks about the frustration of Canadian Interneters
who continually have to listen to US netters saying that the US would
never pass hate speech legislation like Canada has. He points out that
while this has been true, the US has an "odious record" when it comes to
protecting the rights of people to talk privately.
	Now it seems that the US has joined Canada with restrictive speech
laws with the new telecommunications bill. Campbell uses the example of
removing the Web site containing the King James Bible because it has the
word "PISS" (II Kings) which has been ruled indecent by the US Supreme
	The last couple of paragraphs talk about the EFF blue ribbon
campaign and the Web page black background. 
	Al in all a good article. Sometimes even journalists get it right

Tim Philp
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