THE JEWS (ALL of them!) Try to kick Ernst Zundel off Usenet!!

Alan Olsen alano at
Sun Feb 4 15:06:47 PST 1996

At 10:20 PM 2/4/96 +0000, Sean Gabb wrote:
>What little I know about Mr Zundel convinces me that he's not the most 
>pleasant man to know.  But really, these purported messages from him are 
>so grossly unlikely, they defeat their object.

Why is it that so many people took those messages as _actually_ being from
the real Mr. Zundel?  The text is obviously a parody.

I guess most of Usenet has been disconnected from any reliable clue server...

Alan Olsen -- alano at -- Contract Web Design & Instruction
        `finger -l alano at` for PGP 2.6.2 key 
         Is the operating system half NT or half full?

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