Encryption and Backups

Alan Olsen alano at teleport.com
Sun Feb 4 14:36:01 PST 1996

Something that I have not seen addressed is the need for strong encryption
in backup software.

Most backup software has an "encryption" option, but I have seen few that
have anything resembling strong encryption.  Furthermore, I have seen no
real push for strong encryption for backups at all.

I see this as a product that corporations should be demanding.  It is
difficult to walk off with a computer, but a dat tape can be slipped in a
pocket with little notice.  If it happens to be of a server or important
system, valuable information would be in the hands of whoever could decrypt
it.  (And off site alot of resources could be thrown at decrypting the
data.) Weak or no encryption of backups could be a potential problem with
the security of a business.  (Of course, if you leave tapes lying around,
you are asking for trouble anyways...)

Might be an idea for a product there...  (And you can bet law enforcement
would throw a hissy fit about its existence.)

Alan Olsen -- alano at teleport.com -- Contract Web Design & Instruction
        `finger -l alano at teleport.com` for PGP 2.6.2 key 
         Is the operating system half NT or half full?

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