Sandy Sandfort sandfort at crl.com
Fri Feb 2 12:25:56 PST 1996

                          SANDY SANDFORT
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The February Bay Area Cypherpunks meeting will start at noon in
downtown San Francisco.  The address and directions are:

The meeting will be on the fourth floor of 388 Market St.  The 
building is bounded by Market, Pine and Front (Front is the
north-of-Market extension of Fremont St.)  There are numerous
parking garages in the area.

You will have to sign in at the security desk in the lobby.  You
need to indicate that you are going to "Simple Access" on the
4th floor.  After you get off the elevator there will be signs
directing you to the conference room.

388 is above the Embarcadero BART and Muni Metro station.  Other
public transit links exist from the Transbay Terminal and the
Caltrain Depot.  If you have any questions about how to get to
the meeting, let me know.  If you are driving:

>From the Peninsula:

1.  Take 101 north to 80.
2.  Take 80 east to the 4th Street exit.
3.  Take Bryant east (north-east, actually) to Fremont.
4.  Turn left on Fremont and drive to Market.
5.  You are there, but now you need to find a place to park.  
6.  (You should have taken public transit!)

>From the East Bay:

1.  Take 80 west to the Fremont exit.
    Follow directions 4 thru 6, above.

 S a n d y

P.S.  About 50 people have already RSVPed my party invitation.
      If you have not told me if you will attending my party, 
      please do so.  I need to know how much stuff to get.


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