Fed's blew it this time.

Attila T. Hun attila at primenet.com
Tue Dec 31 22:40:50 PST 1996


In <219sZD42w165w at bwalk.dm.com>, on 12/31/96 
   at 11:59 AM, dlv at bwalk.dm.com (Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM) said:

::> Timothy C. May wrote:
::> >
::> > Your message is the equivalent of that brain-damaged ebonite's 
::> > "Why can't we all just get along?"
::> Tim,
::>   Have you 'coined a phrase' here?
::>   Perhaps future generations, reading of the exploits of the 
::>  'Ebonites', will recognize your contribution to the language.
::>   Have you seen _Mars Attacks_ where Jack Nicholson, playing the 
::>   president, says just that?

::have you noticed that a lot of recent popular movies either portray 
::the U.S.G. as a bunch of crooks and criminals, or make fun of killing 
::them all (e.g. Mars Attacks). This would have been unthinkable 20 
::years ago.

        20 years ago, the Vietnam protests were just dying down. the 
    movie industry which has been one of the more vocal anti-war 
    centers (except in making violent war movies which make money) was 
    still somewhat respectful of the USG.  

        Other than the liberals who give Bubba a birthday party 
    --probably more for their own publicity (except Barbra), most 
    everybody is getting fed up with the government and beginning to 
    realize the USG not only over governs, but the public is also 
    beginning to understand the usurpation of power, and the basic 
    unconstitutionality of the regulatory agencies.  

        Utah is as good an example as any; they have never been 
    Fed supportive (even if it was Republican), but the church mandate 
    is to support the government --however, they are quickly swinging 
    to a large majority which not only does not like the Federal 
    government, but who are also actively stating the government is 
    illegal--  and the church is silent.

        The other Intermountain states have been just plain independent 
    minded, but tolerated the Feds. Not any more.  Idaho and eastern 
    Washington are not a safe place for the Feds.  Montana makes no 
    bones about it; Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico are vocal. And AZ 
    is as pissed as they come over the MJ pronouncement "--what do you 
    mean the Feds are telling us our vote is worthless and our States' 
    Rights don't mean pig shit."  Nobody particularly cares about the 
    MJ, it's the pure and simple emphasis on States' Rights and the 
    Voters' Rights to self-determination and the 10th Amendment.

        Analysis of California attitudes is even more revealing; the 
    statement the DEA would pull prescription permits from doctors 
    prescribing maryjane in AZ and CA has stirred a firestorm which 
    will only get larger.  

            The people spoke and the Feds said: "Fuck You!"

        The question then is, how long before the Eastern whimps and 
    liberal tit suckers wake up and realize they too are about to lose 
    the option of being liberal tit suckers?

        Of all things, MJ may be the last straw (going up in smoke 
    <g>); now, if the press will get off their sensationalism on the 
    CDA and talk about what it is we are really fighting --free speech 
    as a whole, Thomas Jefferson might wake up one day soon and say: 
    "Alright!  but it took you stupid bastards more than the 20 years 
    to have a little revolution to teach Washington who the government 

        Maybe Bubba needs a little more cocaine so he gets "brave" 
    enough to call in UN troops to quell a riot...   then WE watch the 
    fun. Some of you sissies might even lift your hardware and watch 
    your first melon explode.  After the first one, it's easy.

        For the first time a civilized nation has full gun         
        registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more 
        efficient, and the world will follow our lead in the 
                    --Adolf Hitler (1935)

    Is Adolf's future here again?
        46. The U.S. government declares a ban on the possession, 
        sale, transportation, and transfer of all non-sporting 
        firearms.  ...Consider the following statement:

            I would fire upon U.S. citizens who refuse or resist 
            confiscation of firearms banned by the U.S. government.

                --The USMC Combat Arms Survey

    The same survey had questions of obeying commands from UN officers, 
    and obeying commands from UN officers on US territory, and against 
    US citizens.  Anybody who wants a copy of the whole survey, send 
    me email.  

        This was not somebody's master thesis; on some special     
    operations bases it was given by a major, others a light bird, etc.
    all SEALS and USMC spec-op groups were given the "test"  --the 
    younger men were >85% compliant; the reuppers and lifers were real 
    low on compliance (~15%).  Our PC and revisionist history has built 
    the generation they want: functionally illiterate "world-oriented" 
    cannon fodder.

        stop your incessent nattering and do something constructive.

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