Just another government fuckover: New crypto regulations

Attila T. Hun attila at primenet.com
Mon Dec 30 22:59:15 PST 1996

From: Attila T. Hun <attila at primenet.com>
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    ; Free Cyberspace is our Democracy. Fuck your CDA. 
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Organization: Home for retired unrepented, degenerate hackers
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 96 19:52:02 +0000
To: cypherpunks <cypherpunks at toad.com>
Cc: dlv at bwalk.dm.com (Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM)
Subject: Re: Just another government fuckover: New crypto regulations
In-Reply-To: <9m4qZD23w165w at bwalk.dm.com>
Bcc: furballs <ppenrod at earthlink.net>


In <9m4qZD23w165w at bwalk.dm.com>, on 12/30/96 
   at 08:07 AM, dlv at bwalk.dm.com (Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM) said:

::"Attila T. Hun" <attila at primenet.com> writes:

::>     books are and have been protected prior to the US Constitution.

::"Protected" in what sense? Copyright in a fairly recent invention.

        free speech, which is what we are talking about. supposedly 
    absolute freedom of speech in America was in the Articles of 
    Confederation and was a major point of the Declaration of 
    Independence.  free speach was an "intention" of the Magna Carta.

::>     the US Government has not been a legal government for years; it     
::>is a private club which can be bought, and its services sold to the     
::>highest bidder. It is a collection of whores who are part of a cabal
::>of the very rich and powerful; it is totally unaccountable to the
::>public it represents.  Waco, Ruby Ridge, and the bombing of their 
::>own federal building in Oklahoma City in order to scare Joe Couch 
::>Potato into giving up personal freedoms for security are perfect 
::>examples of a government drunk on it owns powers. Just like Oswald, 
::>they have a perfect patsy with the defendants in OKC.

::Like I said the other day, the similarities with the USSR under the 
::last few years of Brezhnev's life are striking.

        just a little bit too close, is it not?  The Kremlin then, and
    the Kremlin of Yeltsin also suffer the same malady: the personal
    expression of power. Gorbi will be remembered in history as not a
    great statesmen as he was initially hailed in the West, but as the
    'great concessionaire,' giving Russia's "imperial" power away. 
    Russia never had a communist government, it was a dictatorship
    somewhat tempered by the power of the apparati (which under Stalin
    was a joke); it just so happened they practiced the art of the
    commune in collective farming --except they stole the bulk of the
    communes' production.  Any concept of the commune ownership was

        but the bottom line with Brezhnev was the "drunk with power" of
    each of the petty fiefdoms.  Old Joe and Beria is a perfect example,
    except Joe took care of his problem promptly to prove the rule that
    'thou shall not covet thy boss...'<g>. 

        compare today in Russia: Lebed is a prime example. Even under
    Brezhnev he would have walked the one way tunnel. Fact is, it
    appears Lebed has been closer to the mark than the rest of the
    pompous fools; but that certainly has not helped if one considers
    Lebed would need to assume absolute power in order to clear the
    errant course of the Russian ship of state --absolute power corrupts

        the US has two or three power factors depending on your point of
    view. The visible US government with a totally corrupt and
    depiscable asshole at the helm --a sublimely and malignantly corrupt
    man installed as a puppet gone drunk on his cocaine power pack;  he
    thinks he has shaken his masters and his battle is to control the
    CIA and the rest of the hidden spook show.  Even his loyal puppy,
    John Deutsch, was unable to control the CIA, let alone the rest of
    the apparati.  The lame duck cabinet is more impotent than the last,
    who almost to a man jumped as rats from a sinking ship.  His thrust
    for power is masked in rhetoric of "for the good of the country" or
    "to protect the country from the evils of private speech which might
    be criminal or subversive" that we may all be free.  Is it
    coincidence free speech is the cornerstone of democracy? 

        So who does control the real apparati?  check behind the silent
    curtains of the dark drawing rooms; check behind the facade of US
    Department of State postings since WWII, and compare names with
    events and the social register and the rolls of Harvard, Yale, and
    Princeton; check the bunkers at Fort Meade and other places; check
    the shadows and the denials; particularly check the denials. 

        don't wast your time with the myriad of 'culprits' starting with
    the Bilderbergers, the CFR, the TLA, the Bavarian Illuminati, etc. 
    they are just drinking clubs of the power hungry united only by a
    common greed.  greed and absolute power as America careens into
    history and disenfranchisement. 

        is there then still a third force?  speculation?  fact! 
    avengers?  too little, too late?  hunted to the status of endangered
    species or even to extinction?  sacrificial lambs or goats for the
    alter of the temples of the doomed?  or saviours?

::>     books are an intellectual 'solution' to the problem. the real    
::>problem is the hardware. in order to negate governments and their    
::>virtually stated intentions of blocking our inalienable freedoms,    
::>particularly freedom of speach, we must be able to distribute     
::>universal crypto worldwide, and be able to improve it as the shadow      
::>governments of the various spook shows improve their ability to
::>break our code.

::Yes, but the impotent "cypher punks" can't write or distribute code. 
::They can only flame and rant and pull plugs.

        Ah, dimitri, my quasi-friend, my quasi-enemy, that is the
    question, is it not?  Can cypherpunks write code?  Some like to
    argue, and still can and do write code.  Others only pontificate; 
    and others lurk for the false rush of the ephemeral or fantastical
        dimitri, you've never been a lurker in your life; then why do
    you participate in cypherpunks if they are, to a [wo]man, nothing
    but wankers? (I guess that works for the gentle sex, too. no? <g>). 

        Ah, dimitri, you're secret is out. you are here to harangue!
::>     if you do not have the balls to do it, you are not for freedom.

::If you are a "cypher punk", you are not for freedom.

        No, no, no, dimitri.  Cypherpunks are absolute in their demands
    for freedom.  Most are making the choice to demand freedom while
    they play in the band and the Titanic sinks.  Shall their last song
    be "God Bless America" or "Nearer my Lord to Thee" --it's all the
    same is it not?  They, and the rest of the complacent Americans,
    will go down with the ship (as will the fighters without support). 

        Talk is cheap, dimitri.  Let's see a little action. 

   Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
     The courage to change the things I can.
       And the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people 
         I had to kill because they pissed me off.

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