Untraceable Payments, Extortion, and Other Bad Things

Omegaman omega at bigeasy.com
Mon Dec 23 07:30:35 PST 1996

 > imho, it's a very warped kind of mind that insinuates some evil is
> no big deal because greater evils exist in the world. 

It's a matter of perspective and a weighing of consequences.  Are you 
trying to so that all evils are inherently equal?
> it's an argument I see often among the libertarians 
> around here. "what's the big deal
> about murder? govt's do it all the time. everyone should be able to
> murder anyone if govt's do it. why, the right to murder people is an
> inalienable right!!". of course the arguments are never made in this
> language-- the fun is spotting it in the rhetoric.

I often see arguments on this list where people happily build 
irrelevant straw men and pound them into a pulp.  What's more amazing 
is that they're not doing it deliberately; they simply miss the 

You see whatever you expect to see.
> >This is why I look forward to this Brave New World of fully
> >untraceable communications and fully untraceable economic
> >transactions.
> ah, an even more warped mind that not merely condones it but
> "looks forward to it"
> careful, timmy, your slime is showing!!

Careful vladdy, your detweiler is showing.

I thought the message was a pretty clear statement of opinion.  ie. 
the deconstruction of democracy is a good thing and cryptoanarchy 
will a enable a more just society.  (Some would argue more brutal as 
well, but I think that the level of brutatlity in society would 
change little from it's current levels.)

So cut the crap and go ahead and argue for or against that thesis.

(by the way.  Conveniently enough Tim May has put his ideas on the 
web in quite a bit of detail.  Just put "cyphernomicon" in your 
favorite web search engine)
 Omegaman <mailto:omega at bigeasy.com>
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