
Matthew J. Miszewski mjmiski at execpc.com
Sun Dec 22 14:30:07 PST 1996


Sorry to quote so much, in this case it seemed necessary.

At 04:07 PM 12/21/96 -0800, Timothy C. May wrote:
>At 5:49 PM -0600 12/21/96, Matthew J. Miszewski wrote:
>>Are you talking about the School Board requirements?  Are you still in High
>>School, Tim? ;-)  I have never heard you speak of children, so you might
>>have a valid complaint if you have them in public schools (although home
>>schooling is still an option).
>The principle is of interest to even those without schoolaged children!
>Neither having schoolaged children nor living in the Oakland Public School
>System district is a necessary condition for commenting on the foolishness
>of "Ebonics" and other such scams. Only the most naive of commentators says
>things like "If your children were not cannibalized by Jeffrey Dahmer, why
>do you feel the need to comment on Dahmer?"
>(Sorry, Matthew, but I'm losing any remaining respect for your rhetorical
>skills. I used to think we just disagreed politically, now I see more is

I apparently need to use those twirpy smiley faces more often (see above).
I meant that to be funny which I guess it wasnt.  

One of your (Tim) prior posts clarifies much.  That you hold out absolutely
no hope for democracy actually lets me in on why you express yourself now
like you do. My memory is that you werent always so clear in your
expressions of disgust; this memory comes from several non-derogatory uses
of the term "suits" when it came to cpunk political action in the past.  I
agree that democracy has myriads of flaws, but still hold out some hope for

My comment about such inflaming language was of disappointment because Tim
almost single-handedly helped me reconsider many of my traditional
political thoughts.  It is difficult sometimes to get past the anger in
current posts (although I do understand and respect Tim's ability to be
absolutely honest about his views which is refreshing.)


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