"Cypher punks" are the laughing stock for the media

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM dlv at bwalk.dm.com
Sat Dec 21 07:10:21 PST 1996

Carl Johnson <toto at sk.sympatico.ca> writes:

>    Thank you for your lengthy list of articles on the human slaughter
> that continues on earth to this very day.  It reminds me of watching
> the TV coverage of Desert Storm, as the news channels took great
> delight in replaying scenes of American flyers massacring retreating
> Iraquian troops who were beaten and bedraggled, merely trying to
> survive, and get home to their families.

I wish Iraqi people the best of luck in killing every American they can get
their hands on. Three cheers for Saddam Hussein!

>   You are free to rail night and day against cryptology and cypherpunks,
> and whoever else it pleases you to rail against, because this is America.

You are sadly mistaken, child, or maybe you believe the lies Timmy May (fart)
spread about me. I am a professional cryptographer. I believe that crypto
technology should be freely availably to everyone, with no government controls,
like any other technology (like compiler construction :-). I believe that the
Internet should be available to everyone (and I've made a lot of enemies by
helping connect certain parts of the world to the 'net somewhat sooner that
they would have been without my participation). OTOH, "cypher punks" are a
joke, a laughing stock for the media, who stand in the way of these goals.
Re-read the list archives before speaking of things you do not understand.


Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps

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