Flying on planes without ID

Rich Graves rcgraves at
Fri Dec 20 12:27:44 PST 1996


Vangelis wrote:
> Bill Stewart wrote:
> > I've heard that in less civilized parts of the world you're actually
> > required to carry government-issued ID cards to walk down the street
> > or fly on airplanes.
> Umm.. tried to get on a flight without having ID lately?  Doesn't work -
> against policy.  Anti-terrorism policy and all.. it's for your own
> safety, of course.

You beat me to it.

Anyone have the current black-letter regulations? I'll have some time
to kill over the holidays that might as well be used for civil 
disobedience. What's likely to happen to me if I refuse to show ID? 
Provide invalid ID, don't get caught, then publicize the fact? Provide 
invalid ID and get caught? Or, better:

"My wallet was stolen. The only ID I have on me is my ACLU membership 
card and my PGP key. Can I still get on the plane?"

I'm serious. Short domestic flight, no pressing appointments. This could 
be fun.

- -rich
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