Ping of Death?

jamie dyer jamie at
Wed Dec 18 00:43:45 PST 1996

On Tue, 17 Dec 1996, Blake Coverett wrote:

->> Anyone heard of the Ping of Death, aka the Ping Bomb. It's a large chunk of
->> hostile code, disguised as a mere ping, that can lead to server rebooting.
->> Technology Assignment Editor, Wired News,
->> Producer, Packet,
->I read the two parts above and shake my head...
->A 'technology assignment editor' that has missed 
->this story till now, and can't use a search engine 
->to boot?
->-Blake (who should only look at the pictures)
 Aw heck, give the little fellers at Wired a break.
It's awful time consuming being on the cutting edge.

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