New E-commerce Paper:

Dale Thorn dthorn at
Thu Dec 12 21:55:07 PST 1996

John Young wrote:
> A new electronic commerce paper:
>   "Internet Markets: Emerging Business Models"
>   By Dan Yurman
>   December 11, 1996
>   What are business models for profiting on the net?
>   Perhaps the best metaphor to describe Internet business
>   is that it is like the California gold rush of 1849. A
>   wave of entrepreneurial start-ups have entered the field,
>   but all are struggling to find the gold. The miners are
>   going broke while the saloon and general store owners,
>   and the brothels, are prospering. Anyone who wants to
>   make real money in mass markets is going to have to
>   break the mold of "business as usual" and offer real
>   value which is not available offline.

Offer "real value", huh?

The one guy who produces something does OK,
The leeches do OK,
But the vast majority who aren't so *lucky* don't do OK.

So the general public is encouraged to follow this example of
economic opportunity?  More decadence and ruin, if you ask me.

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