
E. Allen Smith EALLENSMITH at ocelot.Rutgers.EDU
Wed Dec 11 08:28:02 PST 1996

From:	IN%"mjmiski at"  "Matthew J. Miszewski" 11-DEC-1996 03:35:52.25

>My question was a real one.  The basis of it comes from my work with the
>homeless in which they have a difficult time getting a job because they
>have no "home address" to put on the forms, some do not have or remember
>their SSNs, etc.  This causes a cyclic problem for the homeless.  My
>question to Tim was, in the real world, how is the protection of this data

	And what institution ultimately requires the SSN and a considerable
number of these other pieces of information? What institution puts a
considerable number of roadblocks in the way of getting a post office box,
for use as a home address, without a "home address"?

>I do have responses to each of your "points" in your last post, but have
>found the process of responding point-by-point tedious and non-productive

	If you've got such responses, please give them. They may very well
be tedious; I'd disagree about them being non-productive, based on my
past experience. Without such responses from you to some very well-reasoned
arguments, we are left with the equivalent of the Feds on cryptography, i.e.,
"if you knew what we know you'd agree with us."

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